
TrackIsCheckWithChildren<TChildType> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TrackIsCheckWithChildren<TChildType>.

Public Properties
Public PropertyChildrenA List of TrackIsChecked objects.  
Public PropertyIsCheckedGets / sets if the item is considered checked. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TrackIsChecked)
Public PropertyParentGets / sets the TrackIsChecked object which is the parent of this object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TrackIsChecked)
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodChangeSilentChanges the value of the IsChecked property without executing the secondary operations on parent and children. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TrackIsChecked)
Protected Internal MethodInvalidateChildrenOverridden. Changes the children to the parent's value.  
Protected Internal MethodInvalidateIsCheckedOverridden. Designed to be called by child objects so that the parent object can reevaluate it's state.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedInvoked when a property changes on the TrackIsChecked object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TrackIsChecked)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedFired when a property changes on the TrackIsChecked. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TrackIsChecked)
See Also